Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Do you think i can play GTA IV in this laptop without any problems?

Well GTA IV in particular is recommended to run on a quad core system (its the only game I know of that does that though and I like for Pc gaming). If possible it is better to get a graphics card with 1Gb of memory vs 512mb just because it runs at higher fps and smoother, and for newer games it is almost a must for good performance. The Cpu will do fine for almost any games right now, though you probably want 4Gb of ram, especially for GTA IV. Also its not a must but if you could get a graphics card that supports DirectX 11 that would be great, some cards that support that are all of the Ati Radeon HD 5000 series cards, and almost all of the Nvidia 400 series cards. This Pc can run games like GTA IV at lowered settings, you not going to have max setting and AA and all that but it should run it fairly well with the setting's lowered just a but. I hope this helps. I build Pc's and Laptops so you can trust me.


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