Monday, December 19, 2011

I need to know about the emancipation law?

BOTH parents have to sign. Just because they are divorced doesn't mean they both aren't your parents. Secondly you don't just go in and say "I wanna be emancipated" You have to show proof that you are responsible enough to be on your own. You have to have a job, (I had two), you have to show that you comply with all laws (no drinking under age, no smoking under age, no drugs), you also have to show proof of your education and that you plan on continuing if it's not completed and follow through(I graduated mid term), or show proof of GED. If you become emancipated neither one of your parents will have ANY custody of you, you will be on your own. Neither parent will be responsible for you at all and that includes finacially. There will no longer be any child support. Once you are emancipated you are on your own period.


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